Career Lattices

Explore career paths with growth potential and training support.

Headlight Data Career Lattices

Headlight Data’s Career Lattices tool presents job seekers with a roadmap illustrating a path from an entry-level job through to advanced roles with increased earnings and outcomes.

Explore Career Paths

Each Career Lattice begins with a starting anchor job, and presents four occupational growth tiers reflecting increased earning potential and advancing skills development.

Occupation tiles in the lattice display can be highlighted to indicate if training funds or other workforce programs are available.

Headlight Data Career Lattice

Occupational Profiles

Each occupation features a profile page, providing an informational overview of the job description, work activities, education requirements, and median wages in your specific region.

Headlight Data Career Lattice Profile

Regional Jobs Outlook

High level infographics illustrate forecasted job openings, growth and earnings for the local region.

Headlight Data Career Lattice Outlook

Local Employment

Easy to read charts show recent and forecasted annual employment, and top hiring industries.

Headlight Data Career Lattice Employment Opportunities

Skills + Education

Critical knowledge areas, and educational attainment charts provide further insight into the required skills development and training required in performing the position.

Headlight Data Career Lattice Skills

Mobile + Desktop Accessibility

Headlight Career Lattices is thoroughly supported and tested for Mac, WinPC, Android and iOS platforms, and has been designed to support both desktop and mobile devices.

All web content, including charts, are built to meet “best practice” Web ADA compliance requirements.

Headlight Data Career Lattice Skills
Headlight Data Career Lattice Skills

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